Brandon Marshall: You’re an IDIOT


Published: September 2, 2009


It’s been a while, Bleacher Creatures. After a nice stay in my home country in Lebanon, just a few minutes outside Beirut and a free tour of Cairo, Egypt prior to a connecting flight, I am officially re-energized.

Well, sort of. The dreaded writer’s block did me in for a few weeks, but I’m here ready to conquer it at the expense of Brandon Marshall.

While I was gone, it didn’t surprise me to see Brandon Marshall continually bitch and complain like past primadonna wide receivers. Sure, he has certainly outplayed his current contract and is a Pro Bowl receiver, but there are different ways of asking for a new contract than disrupting your already distraught franchise.

If it wasn’t bad enough for Denver Broncos’ owner Pat Bowlen to fire longtime friend and coach Mike Shanahan, trade away his crybaby franchise quarterback Jay Cutler to the Bears, and draft players that are good, but not the defensive help his team was looking for, now he has to worry about Brandon Marshall.

Yes, the same Brandon Marshall that went to the Pro Bowl. The same Brandon Marshall that when on his game is one of the best in the league. He’s also the same Brandon Marshall that choked, along with the rest of his team, during last year’s AFC West division race with the rival San Diego Chargers.

Marshall should take advice from The Governator.

And as much as I dislike Terrell “T.O.” Owens, at least his teams have made the playoffs—and Super Bowl.

Some people may still be hung up on Keyshawn Johnson’s departure from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2004 in which he was deactivated the final seven games of the 2003, but KJ didn’t necessarily want a new deal—he hated Jon Gruden. Oh, by the way, he also helped lead his team to a Super Bowl title the previous year.

Let’s see…How many playoff appearances have the Broncos had since Marshall was drafted in 2006? Zero. How many Super Bowls? Zero.

Yes, B-Ran, you did outplay your current deal. You also exceeded expectations in contending for the Pacman Jones Award for Off the Field Distractions. It’s quite impressive. Much more impressive than your accomplishments off the field. Let’s take a look!

Courtesy of Wikipedia and The Associated Press archives because I sure as heck don’t feel like typing up all this crap:

Halloween 2004: While a student at UCF, Marshall was arrested in Orlando on charges of assault on a law enforcement officer, refusal to obey, disorderly conduct, and resisting an officer.

March 26, 2007: Marshall was arrested in the Highlands Ranch suburb of Denver on suspicion of domestic violence after his girlfriend reported that following a domestic dispute, Marshall prevented a taxi she was in from leaving his house.

October 22, 2007: Marshall was arrested in the Denver-Aurora metropolitan area at the intersection of 14th and Blake St. for driving under the influence of alcohol. A trial was scheduled for Sept. 16, but Marshall instead agreed to a plea bargain four days earlier; he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of driving while ability impaired. He was sentenced to one-year probation and 24 hours of community service.

June 12, 2008: Marshall was ticketed for an illegal lane change, then found to be without his license and proof of insurance. The case was eventually dropped as part of a plea bargain for the Oct. 22, 2007 driving incident involving alcohol.

September 17, 2008: article on stated that the solicitor’s office in Fulton County, Georgia filed misdemeanor battery charges on Sept. 10 for an alleged incident on Mar. 4, 2008, in Atlanta, Georgia. Marshall was booked on Mar. 6, then released the next day after posting a $1,000 cash bond. The case was assigned to Judge John Mather in Georgia state court. On Aug. 14, 2009, a jury in Atlanta found Marshall not guilty.

March 1, 2009: Marshall was arrested in Atlanta for disorderly conduct after allegedly being involved in a fight with his fiancee, Michi Nogami-Campbell. Marshall was released on a $300 bond. The charges were dropped the following day.

End of ridiculously-long rap sheet


As my buddy and former WCW World Champion Ron Simmons would say “DAMN!”.

RonSimmons.jpg DAMN! image by napier07_2007

Even the Florida State football legend dislikes Marshall’s antics…

That rap sheet is longer than most have had in a lifetime. So let’s see, if I decided to constantly get arrested, put myself in a position to be in trouble, and complained in a diva-like way at my retail job in an undisclosed location, I would NOT be asking for a raise, no matter how much I’ve sold.

And if I did, I would do it in the nicest possible way, while showing my boss at the same time, I can stay out of trouble, be a model citizen, and perform when the lights were on brightest. Especially since I wouldn’t always have the luxury of being traded (in my case, transferred) to another store.

Must be nice for Brandon Marshall to potentially have that luxury, should a proposed trade by the New York Jets goes through.

The thing that really got me to write this column wasn’t just the fact that I needed someone other than Tony Romo to use as a literary and cinematical (I know that’s not a word, but if The Rock can create “Smackdown” then I can create cinematical) punching bag.


Heck, at least Romo has guided his team to winning seasons, behaved for the most part, and taken the ‘Boys to the playoffs (minus last season).


What really got me to thinking Brandon Marshall lacked serious common sense was a statement Keyshawn Johnson made on ESPN, saying that when he wanted to be traded by the New York Jets back in 2000, he calmly wrote a letter to management stating his request.


He didn’t belittle the team, nor make a complete ass out of himself during practice in front of rookies, veterans, authority, and media.


Only an idiot would do that. Wait, Brandon Marshall DID do that. Well, I hope for Mr. Marshall’s sake, he learns to act like a professional, in addition to just being an athlete.


Maybe one day he can stop getting accused of doing things that make people end up in jail and the NFL purgatory (Freddie Mitchell says “Hi.”) and become a wide receiver that can bring positivity to his team, community, and others around him both professionally and personally.


I hope that day comes for him. People can change. Too bad that day can’t come soon enough for the Denver Broncos.


Until then…


Brandon Marshall—YOU’RE AN IDIOT.



Fred “The F-Bomb” Richani is an actor and writer for and, and has been featured on,,, GOOGLE News, and He is also the host of his own web series FRIDAY NIGHT F-Bomb ( He currently resides in Freehold, NJ with his family and cat Bella.


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