Denver Broncos’ 4-0 Start Refuels the Orange Crush Fever


Published: October 6, 2009


It’s funny how some things in life can be completely invisible to some people and have complete control over others.

Take football for instance. I myself cannot live without the Broncos. Believe me, I’ve tried. It wasn’t pretty. When the season starts, this obsession of mine borders on insanity. Put me in a room with Jessica Alba and I guarantee you my mind will flip to the Broncos at least once.

Thankfully, not everyone is as crazy about this as I am. Just last week one of my roommates tried to hook me up with this girl he knew and we wound up talking about our favorite things. Of course she found out about my man crush on the Broncos, but what about her favorite team?

Her: Okay now you try and guess mine.

Me: I have no clue, but if you say the Raiders I’m going to be mad.

Her: I don’t have a favorite, it was a trick question!

To my credit, I took this girl out last night and things were all good, so this momentary lapse in her character wasn’t enough to drive me away. That $46 I spent on dinner and a movie does hurt though.

Still, it amazes me how much different people’s interests can be. I pour my guts out over the Broncos, and she probably doesn’t even know how many games they’ve played this season. Or if they won. Or if there is more to life than shoes and the Fray.

It’s these little differences that shape our character and make us who we are. This is also why some people had a pretty normal Sunday afternoon while I came pretty close to stripping down naked and running down my sister’s street in celebration. All for the Broncos (they should pay me for this kind of devotion).

The Broncos nail biting 17-10 win over the Cowboys on Sunday sums up the most miraculous 4-0 start in franchise history. You can make a case for the 1977 team led by the Orange Crush if you want, but everyone knew that the Broncos had a pretty good team going into that season. Not so this year.

Humor yourself and go back through the predictions for the 2009 NFL Season. Try and find a major sports outlet anywhere that had the Broncos winning more than seven games. Some had them winning fewer than five, even as few as three (if I ever meet John Clayton I’m never going to let him live that down).

The fact is that no one believed in this team, for various reasons. The defense was still in shambles. Kyle Orton would flop under the shadow of Jay Cutler. Brandon Marshall would never stop crying. Josh McDaniels had no idea how to run a team.

I heard all the reasons that the Broncos were going to suck in ’09. For a while there, I even bought into some of them. The way that this team looked, I was ready for the most depressing season of my life. It turns out, I’m still waiting for it to begin.

Never have I been so confused on how to feel about a 4-0 start. My brain tells me not to get too excited about the season when all I want to do is reserve the Broncos a spot in the Super Bowl. I feel like there’s no way they could be this good, but how could they only give up 26 points in four games if they weren’t for real?

The schedule is brutal, I know, but my belief is that a team that’s playing that good on defense can only be defeated if the other team’s D is even tougher.

New England is tough, but they’ve given up 10 or more points to everyone they’ve played. San Diego just got burned on national television by the Steelers. Baltimore has held only Cleveland to less than 20 points and Pittsburgh isn’t the same without Troy Polamalu (though he may be back by the November 9 matchup).

I don’t have the balls to predict that the Broncos will be 8-0 after those games, but I don’t think it’s impossible anymore either. To go 10-6 and have a solid shot at the playoffs, they would just have to split their remaining 12 games.

Good sports columnists maintain objective opinions, so don’t judge me when I say screw having an objective opinion. Right now it’s too much fun to be a Bronco fan, for no other reason than after everything we went through this offseason, I think we deserve it.

During my date, I noticed a commercial for the Broncos on one of the TVs at the restaurant and commented on it. She rolled her eyes and laughed and reminded me of her dislike for football.

I’m really starting to miss that $46.

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