Denver Broncos Rookie TE Richard Quinn Arrested


Published: September 8, 2009


Just days after fellow AFC West player Shawne Merriman was arrested for domestic violence, Denver Broncos rookie tight end Richard Quinn found himself behind bars on the same accusations.

Per the report from the Denver Post, Quinn says he was trying to restrain the woman from hitting him in the face, resulting in him “shaking her to the ground.

The woman engaged in the dispute maintains that Quinn took her cell phone away to prevent her from calling the cops, and Quinn refutes that the only reason he took her cell phone away was so she would not use it as a weapon to hit him in the face with.

Quinn’s agent/ attorney feels his client did everything he was supposed to.

“I’m very proud the way Richard handled this delicate situation by defusing what otherwise could have been a potentially dangerous situation.

”When all the facts come out, people will find out Richard’s done nothing wrong. Richard’s No. 1 concern right now is the welfare of his daughter and to avoid any negative light brought to the Denver Broncos, Richard and his family.”

This is really the last thing the Broncos need right now, and quite frankly, it is absurd.

Quinn was regarded as a player of very high character coming out of North Carolina, and many felt the Broncos “reached” for him in the draft. 

The consensus was that Quinn was to be as high as a high third round pick, and the Broncos did not chance that happening, making a move into the second round to snag the blocking tight end.

It is not my place to pass judgement, but situations like this always leave me confused. 

How do NFL players find themselves in these predicaments?  How do athletes in general seem to make it commonplace for incidents like this to occur?

I read a very convincing article in the latest issue of ESPN The Magazine from an anonymous athlete who suggested that he/she was surprised these types of things do not happen to pro athletes more than they do because of all the temptation, publicity, and attention they get.

I am sure Quinn’s lady friend knows/knew he was a professional athlete, and has egged him on to the point where he cannot even stand it, but violence is not the way to go about it.

Again, I do not know any or all of the details of what actually happened, but Bronco fans can only hope this is just a small speed bump. 

Not that the negative publicity could become any more prevalent for the Broncos…

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