Does Brandon Marshall Suffer from PMSS?


Published: July 20, 2009


The Denver Broncos have gone through some serious changes this offseason. From trading away their so-called Franchise quarterback, to the firing of their long time Head Coach, Mike Shanahan. Now Brandon Marshall wants out of Denver.
It’s what can only be described as PMSS, or Post-Mike Shanahan Syndrome.

Whether or not losing your head coach and starting quarterback warrants this attitude may be up for debate. My question however is, what ever happened to the days when players played just for the love of the game?
Now it seems as though money and stardom are all that matters. Marshall may be selfish, but he’s no idiot. He realizes that without Cutler to throw him the ball, and Shanahan to call over 600 pass plays a year, his stats will take a hit.
This, in the long run, could cost the player some money. However, you could also say that showing your not a team player and that your only out to help yourself may cost him the green. If no one bites on the talk of Marshall asking out of Denver, he could be stuck there for the 2009-2010 season.

What happens next will be up to one person and one person only—Brandon Marshall. He has two possible routes he could take in this upcoming season. He can pout, much the same way that T.O. did in Philly when he and McNabb had differences.
Or, he can take the mans way out and play to the highest of his ability. There is something to say about a player that plays up to his ability no matter what.
I have yet to see Steve Smith or Andre Johnson complain about their quarterbacks’ ability. They simply go out and perform game in and game out. They’re competitors, and in today’s game that can be the hardest thing to find.

So, my advice to Brandon would be to go out there and do what your paid to do, and hopefully, what you still love to do. Don’t let all those days of practice go to waste. All the days of waking up early, running, sweating, cramping, and bleeding. All your high school days and college days with dreams to make it to the NFL.
You made it happen, but the work is not over. There is still football to be played and hardships to overcome. So, it’s time to get over your PMSS, and choose the route that you want to take. Hopefully it’s the mans route, the route of a competitor.

Source: Click Here


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