Ego or Bad Coaching?: Snatching Defeat From the Jaws Of Denver Victory—Again


Published: December 21, 2009


Why in the F*ck is this man smiling??

How often does a first year Head Coach have an opportunity to show their knowledge, maturity and growth? Especially when you are 33 freaking years old?

On the other hand, how often does a 33 Year old Head Coach have the opportunity to let his ego write checks his team can’t cash?

This was the case in the game between Denver and Oakland at Mile High Invesco or High Invesco Mile or whatever today.

Watching a young egotistical head coach call the same lame up-the-gut running plays with an undersized running back and a pass-oriented O-line over and over and over again and losing yardage or getting 1 or 2 Yards when 4-5 yards are needed to either score a TD or gain a 1st down is getting old.

In situation after situation and game after game, we see the same thing. This is a true real-life example of defining failure as doing the same thing over and over with the same negative results but expecting a different outcome.

The only thing more predictable in the NFL right now is getting close-ups of siliconed-enhanced Cheerleaders on the sidelines when breaking for or going into mandated commercials.

Even if Josh would use Hillis or Clady or Larsen or one of those faux-bosomed sideline eye candy prancers instead of Moreno, there MIGHT be a slight chance of a different outcome. Or possibly throwing a short pass to—GASP!—Marshall, Graham, Stokley (or even the aforementioned Clady) there could be a slightly higher chance of success.

I am not sure if this is a result of too many games under the shadow of St. Billy  Belichick and his water-walking success with a much better short yardage team or maybe too many games wearing that stupid hoody that has cut off the circulation to his 33 year old brain.

No matter what the reasons are, until his ego gets a major surgical reduction or he actually looks at past results, I guess the Denver fan base can only expect the same outcome.

And that is a future that really sucks, if you are a Bronco supporter. Or even a fan of good football.

Of course, Raider/Chief/Charger fans are chuckling and snorting into their collective beers.

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