Josh McDaniels “Zwah’s” The Media, Shaun Phillips, and Ryan Clark


Published: November 29, 2009


On ABC’s hit television show “Scrubs” there is a very colorful character named Ed, an intern who is known for his laziness and timely humor.  In the show, Ed makes popular the verb “zwah,” which according to Urban Dictionary is defined as “a word that you yell only when someone has been completely owned.”

We will come back to that.

Josh McDaniels has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately, and he finally set the record straight.

The first incident was that he allegedly shouted at San Diego Chargers‘ linebacker Shaun Phillips, a player known for running his mouth constantly, yelling, “We own you” at him.  McDaniels was apologetic, and a little frustrated by the accusations, also saying that Phillips was one who should also be at fault.

“I was two or three steps out of the tunnel when Shaun Phillips raced up to me with his helmet off and said, ‘I’ll kick your [expletive] ass, too,’ ” explained McDaniels. “I’m not saying I felt physically threatened but that’s exactly the way it went down. It surprised me in a way but we played them a lot when I was in New England and he’s always been that kind of guy.

“I wasn’t out there trash-talking their players, going through their drills. This guy has been doing this since I’ve been in the league and, because they won, he takes the liberty of telling his side of the story. I didn’t swear at him or threaten him. What I actually said was, ‘I’ve heard the same thing from you for four or five years now, and when I was in New England, we owned you.'”

McDaniels apologized for saying even that, but said also that it was nothing near what Phillips portrayed.

In fact, McDaniels was so rubbed the wrong way that he has asked the league to look into the events of that particular day further.  He also added that maybe the Chargers don’t know the whole story either.

“I don’t think [Chargers coach] Norv Turner knows what happened and I know he wouldn’t approve of it,” said McDaniels. “If one of my players ever did that, I’d be livid. I think any coach would be.”

Shaun Phillips, if what Broncos coach Josh McDaniels is saying is true, (and for the record, we’ll take his side in the matter because you are known for running your mouth) then you have just been “Zwahed!”

After the incident and the reports that McDaniels tried to start a fight with the San Diego ball club by saying, “We own you,” Pittsburgh Steelers safety Ryan Clark felt the need to throw in his two cents on the situation.

Might I add in a very immature manner.

Essentially, what Clark suggested was that if a coach came to you and said something along the lines of what McDaniels said, the opposing player(s) should be able to retaliate in a physical manner.

Despite my thinking that he might be joking, he actually had the gall to go on and say he wanted to petition something to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

Absolutely laughable, and McDaniels was stunned as well.

“I’m hearing that I’m being called a renegade coach and that I’m always trying to stir things up and [media] are asking questions based on erroneous information. I even read where [Steelers safety] Ryan Clark wanted the commissioner to do something about a coach taunting players. I have a lot of respect for Ryan Clark and that bothers me.

“I’m not trying to exacerbate the situation by talking about it but if somebody is going to make a judgment about me, I’d appreciate it if they had all the facts and properly report it.”

Ryan Clark, you also have just been “Zwahed!”

The other incident McDaniels was involved in recently was the NFL Network not editing out one of his atomic F-bombs on live television.

McDaniels was heard accross the nation saying, “All we’re trying to do is win the motherf***ing game!”

Now, this is commonplace in the NFL, as sad as it may be.  I do not approve of swearing, nor do I promote it.

Nonetheless, it is a huge part of the game today because people often get caught up in the moment and say things they shouldn’t (not that we haven’t seen countless coaches mouth these things on the sidelines).

“I’m not going to apologize for coaching the game but I apologize that people had to hear that,” McDaniels said.

McDaniels has been ridden pretty hard by the media all year long, and this was just fodder for them apparently.  The statement above is worthy…

Media, you have just been “Zwahed!”

McDaniels and the Broncos are fresh off of what turned out to be the biggest victory of their season so far, and this is how the media rewards them.

Now that they have finally bugged the guy to the point where he was obligated to address the situations, they got what they deserved.

A verbal slap in the face, also known as the “zwah.”

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