Kyle Orton’s Struggles Are All Part of the Process


Published: August 17, 2009


Truth be told, I got an email last week from B/R asking me to write a preview of all the top matchups that the Broncos are facing this season. Not only am I positive that someone has already written something like that before, but frankly, I just don’t care to write that article. Sorry, Bleacher Report.

Don’t get me wrong, in a few weeks, those matchups will be all that I can think about. I’ll have several alcohol-induced nightmares over the possible thrashings that the Broncos could face and then I’ll be able to write a column about it. Trust me, it’ll be good. 

The truth is, now that we know that Knoshown Moreno’s knee injury isn’t all that serious it’s hard to focus on anything Bronco related right now other than Kyle Orton.

Go on any major sports website that has run a story about Orton and here’s an idea of what you will see in the reader comment section.

“Cut Orton!”

“Orton Sucks!”

“Orton Hears A Boo!”

Yep. I’ve seen them all. By the way, kudos to the guy who first thought up the “Orton Hears A Boo!” one.

The point is, Orton’s first live snaps as the Broncos’ new quarterback didn’t go exactly the way we had all hoped. Now a lot of so called “fans” are already calling for his head.

Get real, Broncos country. It was a dreadful performance by the new starting quarterback, but that game is over. It’s done with. Move on.

John Elway lined up behind the guard thinking he was the center in his first game. Jay Cutler threw a horrible interception that the Seahawks ran back for a touchdown in his.

Orton will never be Elway. He will never throw the ball as hard as Cutler. What he will do is be thoroughly inconsistent as he slowly becomes accustomed to all the changes he is dealing with, which is a lot like how Elway and Cutler started out. 

Doesn’t sound very reassuring does it? Elway is the one of the best, if not the best, of all time. Cutler was a Pro Bowl quarterback. After those interceptions Orton threw on Friday night, reassurance that he’s going to get better and get better fast is all we want to hear.

The truth is, for Orton, success as a Bronco is not a guarantee. Frustration is.

Allow me to explain. If Kyle is frustrating in the way that Brian Griese was, Broncos fans will do everything they can to run him out of town before the season ends. However, if he is frustrating in the mold of Jake Plummer, then maybe an AFC Championship is on the horizon.

I’m not going to bother to predict how Orton’s season will go. Someone else has already written that article too. What I will do is pull a Ben Stiller and hit you with some knowledge (sorry, I just watched Dodgeball)

Orton is going to make a fair share of mistakes in the early going. At times he’ll flash the brilliance that seems to reside within all quarterbacks in Josh McDaniels’ system, and at other times his play will be as ugly as his haircut.

There will be interceptions. There will be poor decisions. There will be Brandon Marshall fumbling when he tries to break too many tackles (too soon?).

The key to being a Broncos fan this season is shaking off the frustration that you will feel. Take a deep breath and let the full picture come together before you react to the situation.

Or maybe that’s the key to being Kyle Orton. Your guess is as good as mine.


Source: Click Here


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