Raider Fan Trash Talk: A Premonition


Published: September 25, 2009


To save Broncos fans some time, I thought I would provide a quick synopsis of Raiders’ trash talk for the next three years. This way you can ignore the Raider Nation and go about your business.

Dec. 2008–Sept. 27, 2009: “The last time the Raiders played the Donkeys, JaMarcus Russell tore you up. He was 10-for-11 for 152 yards. The horses had no answer for his rocket arm. He will do the same to you this time. Never mind that he has a 35 percent completion rate. Disregard the 7-of-24 performance against the Chiefs because he was 10-of-11 last time…in your own house. Raiderssssss”

Sept. 28, 2009–Dec. 20, 2009: “Last December, the Donkey made JaMarcus Russell look like a pro bowler. Ten-for-11, choke on that Donk fans. JRuss is going to tear the Horses apart. Raiderssss”

Dec. 21, 2009–Early 2010 football season: “Three games ago JaMarcus Russell didn’t have any trouble with your weak ass Donk defense. JRuss has come into his own, and he will shred you guys again this time around. Raidersssss”

Early 2010 football season–late 2010 Football Season: “Remember two years ago when JRuss went 10-of-11. Remember when he didn’t suck? Raidersssss”

Late 2010 Football season and beyond: “A couple years ago…JRuss…no picks…10-of-11…no picks, did I say that?…152 yards…I hate the Donkeys…JRuss…Raidersssssss.”


Please God, let this nonsense go on forever. I know that someday Raiders fans and management will wake up and realize Russell is passable at best and horrendous at his worst, but it is so fun to watch the train wreck while it is still in slow motion.

Go Broncos!

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