The Denver Top Five: Preseason Edition


Published: August 13, 2009


Looking at a NFL preseason roster, one can get lost in the sea of names, numbers, experience levels, and statistics. A preseason roster is full of guys vying for a roster spot come the regular season. It has superstars, career-backups, and rookie prospects hoping to make a name for themselves.
I have decided to sort through the plethora of orange names on the Broncos’ online roster and pick the five best players.
“Best” can be a very subjective word. I wanted to choose the five players that I think, a) have the most raw talentl, b) have lived up to their potential so far in their careers, and c) are likely to have outstanding seasons in 2009.
While the players who made the list may not surprise a Bronco fan, the order might. So, without further ado, the top five Broncos in 2009.

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