The Real Meaning Of Baby TO


Published: July 18, 2009


First there was Randy Moss, then Terrell Owens, and now Brandon Marshall has officially joined the class of spoiled, immature, pre madana wide receiver class.

A few months ago Marshall officially requested a trade out of Denver due to the fact Denver wouldn’t give him a major contract extension and because the Broncos training staff allegedly ignored Marshall’s hip injury.

After requesting the trade Denver has recieved nothing better than a 4th round pick and has decided not to trade Marshall at the moment.  Marshall has publically said he will not sit out, because if he does he will lose up to 16 grand a day and Marshall said “i’m not stupid.”

Marshall was then asked if he will be wearing a blue and orage 15 next year.  His response was “i’ll be wearing a 15.”

Well Brandon I am going to disagree about your statement of being smart.

How could a wide reciever who was drafted in the 4th round in 2006, passed on by every team for four rounds until Denver decided to give him a chance do this Denver?

How could a player who has been given numerous chances to play after allegidly physically assaulting two different women in the past 3 years ask for a trade?

How could Marshall ask for the team who took public criticism for Marshalls bone head mistakes?

Sure with two very productive seasons in 2007 and 2008 Marshall deserves to make more than 2 million a year, but why can’t he be patient and wait like every other player who had to wait to get their big pay day?

Why does Marshall have to act like spoiled brat and back stab the team that has put up with three years of shear stupidity and selfishness?

I say Denver sits Marshall on the bench for the entire 2009 season and let his stock drop for when he’s eligable to be a free agent next year. 

Who is going to want to sign a player with previous leagall problems and who has sat the bench the entire year let alone make the 10 million a year that he wants.

If Marshall wants to hurt Denver and put them in a sticy situation then they should do it right back. We’ll see ow much money BABY To makes in 2010 after producing 0 catches, 0 yards and 0 TD’s.

It’s time for Denver to put Baby TO in his crib for a year and let him know that crying can’t get you everywhere. 

Bye Brandon.  Thanks for the embarassment.

Source: Click Here


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