The Reason for Brandon Marshall’s Drama Becomes Clear


Published: August 3, 2009


Amidst the offseason turmoil Bronco’s fans have endured was the dramatic trade request by Brandon Marshall. Coming on the heels of the Jay Cutler fiasco Marshall’s trade demands seemed to indicate the franchise was alienating its players.

Marshall’s holdout lingered all off-season, sharply dividing Denver fans. When Marshall finally did end his holdout it was only because he ran the risk of being fined.

The complaints coming out of Marshall’s camp were myriad: 

He was locked into a rookie contract that left him vastly underpaid.

The Bronco training staff misdiagnosed the severity of a hip injury that led to his requiring off-season surgery.

He didn’t trust new head coach Josh McDaniels

Just before training camp began Marshall bragged about his workouts with Larry Fitzgerald. His claim was that his only issue was that he needed to work on his speed.

Then came training camp with a pouty Brandon Marshall dramatically ending his holdout. He looked great in showing off his conditioning but ominously had to sit out the first day of practice.

On the third day of practice Marshall pulled up with what was widely reported as a hamstring pull. The Denver Post is reporting today that Marshall did not sit out of practice because of a pulled hamstring but due to pain in his surgically repaired hip.

The reality of Marshall’s surgery is that players generally need six months to a year to fully recover. Marshall had surgery in March, just four months ago.

Even leaving aside the question of whether Marshall can fully recover he may not recover fully this season. This is particularly devastating in a contract year when Marshall needs to elevate his worth.

The offseason complaints by Marshall clearly were a way of trying to get a new contract before the Broncos realized that Marshall may not be able to be as effective as he had been.

Source: Click Here


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