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Players Broncos Picks Injuries Projections Rookies Blogs SuperbowlPublished: April 26, 2009
Sure, April 25th was a good day for the city of Seattle. Not even close to best ever, but it was good…well, sort of.
We got our man, Aaron Curry, the stud Wake Forest LB, expected to complete the league’s best young LB trio.
The Sounders moved to 4-2 by beating San Jose (those two losses could even be held in question because we did not have our goalkeeper due to thinking outside the box, literally).
The Mariners almost gave it away, but hung on for a one-run win over a team who has plenty of W’s over them in recent memory.
But another event occurred on April 25th that just puts a very unpleasant taste in your mouth if you’re a supporter of the Seattle Seahawks.
Seeing the headline “Seahawks remove franchise tag from Leroy Hill”
What the f*#k were they thinking? Honestly?
You just draft Curry, form the top trio of LB’s in the entirety of the league, then you get rid of your second stud LB from said top trio; just mind boggling
I have been very positive about the JP trade because in the long run it yielded us Curry, and a starting DE, Cory Redding, who should provide us a huge upgrade. The trade made us younger and better.
We did literally just release Hill, getting rid of a second LB from a group that was the strength of the defense, and one of the league’s best.
Sure, you have a lot of money tied up there, but that’s why it was going to be the league’s best, you don’t have the league’s best for cheap.
All for what, $8 million? Sure it’s a good chunk of money, but for the money you are saving, you just tore apart the league’s best trio of LB’s.
We also just traded our 2010 third-rounder for another tiny receiver. Seahawks, you sure do know how to go from brilliance to dud in 24 hours.
We get a rookie pool so signing Curry, Unger, Deon, and Teel is not the issue.
We have been interested in signing Ken Lucas, which would be great. I can guarantee we could have made a less significant cut to free up the money to sign him.
Matt Hasselbeck would probably redo his contract if it meant helping to keep Leroy and sign Ken.
I would absolutely love to see Ken Lucas signed here; in fact, I have lobbied for it. At the price of Hill, and the desecration of what could be the league’s top trio of LB’s for ten or more years, no stank you.
If they sign Derrick Brooks or Freddie Keiahlo, then the move could make more sense. Sure they’re not as good as Hill, but they’re on the same level at least.
Knowing Ruskell, the following are most likely what will happen: He won’t sign Lucas, then sign Derrick Brooks, he will sign Lucas and not re-sign Hill, or he might re-sign Hill and then not sign Lucas. In other words, he just won’t finish the defense.
He has to leave one hole open, of course. Sure D.D. Lewis can start; he started in 2005. But who would you rather have, Hill or Lewis? All of a sudden you have a liability where a strength once was.
The last time the Seahawks pulled a stunt like this, they ended up making it brilliant. So hopefully I’m wrong, but only time will tell.
Timmy, get it right. You made my favorite coach walk, but don’t tear apart the best thing this team has going.