What To Do with Your Old Jay Cutler Jerseys

for BroncosZone.com

Published: May 28, 2009


He was the face of the franchise. The next John Elway. Jay Cutler was going to bring the Super Bowl back to Denver. To show their support, many loyal fans rushed to their nearest sports apparel stores and snatched up two, maybe three different Cutler jerseys. 

I was one of those fans. I myself don a vintage Eddy Mac jersey, but my beautiful new born daughter’s first Broncos’ jersey, was a size one Jay Cutler jersey.

Then all of a sudden, he was gone. His jersey is still orange and blue, but not bronco colors. 

What do we do now? Thankfully, my daughter has grown out of her jersey and it won’t be her last, but I’m sure a large amount of Bronco Nation doesn’t have that kind of luxury. 

Do you throw that $70 piece of polyester? Do you wear it in protest of the trade? I have put together a couple of suggestions for Cutler fans to get good use of their failed investment.


1. It’s summer time and it’s hot.  No matter how large your jersey is, they are always good for blocking out the sun.  I suggest making an umbrella out of your old jersey.  Sooner or later, the numbers and last name will wear off from the sun and rain and you will once again have a serviceable jersey to wear proudly around your neighborhood.

2. The last name Cutler can easily be turned in Butler, Mutler, or Sutler, etc. I suggest getting some medical tape and fashioning and new last name for yourself.

3. NFL jerseys are very resilient. I suggest using them as a common house rag. Though he wasn’t able to clean up the messes the Broncos made, maybe his jersey can clean up the messes your family makes.


There are of course many uses for an old Cutler jersey. If you come up with anymore, please feel free to leave a comment with your suggestions.

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