Why The Broncos Are Mile High In My Book

for BroncosZone.com

Published: May 14, 2009


Jan. 25, 1998, Live from Qualcomm stadium the 32nd Super Bowl is about to kickoff and it is the first Super Bowl I can remember watching.

However, the game is delayed twice because the Denver Broncos could not get the kickoff to be official without a penalty. Finally on the third try, Super Bowl XXXII starts.

The two teams playing in this edition of the Super Bowl are the Denver Broncos representing the AFC and the defending champions Green Bay Packers.

It seemed to be more than a match-up of two teams, but also a match up of two players, the starting quarter backs, John Elway and Brett Favre.

Both quarterbacks had been in the Super Bowl before, however Favre had something over Elway, a Super Bowl win.

I had watched football before and the teams that I liked were not because I liked the players or the team had a good record, but because of the logos on the helmets.

Therefore for the first three years of watching the National Football League my favorite team had been a team that I felt I could relate with, the Buffalo Bills.

Being from Wyoming, Buffaloes are everywhere, they are the main logo on the state flag, there is a statue of one outside the capitol building and right before anyone exits the state on Interstate 25 into the Colorado state border, there is a sign of a Buffalo.

But as Super Bowl XXXII played out I discovered that choosing a team based on logos is not the best idea.

Soon my opinion on football teams would change, because before the next day I would have a new favorite NFL team.

Denver is only 100 miles south of my hometown of Cheyenne, Wyoming, so most of the early NFL games that I watched were that of the Denver Broncos.

I had never really made an opinion about the Broncos on if I liked them or not, they had an okay logo and my dad talked about them as if they were the best team I could ever watch.

But before the Super Bowl, before the 1997 season even, the Broncos received a face-lift.

Now the Bronco logo was cooler, no more D surrounding what looked like a knight, chess piece.

The colors were now meaner, Navy Blue and Orange.

And thankfully, the Broncos were no longer wearing pumpkin colored home uniforms.

Super Bowl XXXII was different too. This was the first Super Bowl I watched with the Broncos playing, but my dad had told me that John Elway and the great Broncos had made it to the Super Bowl before.

He did neglect the fact though, that Denver had lost the previous Super Bowls.

The game had been everything I thought a championship game should be, there was lots of scoring, and the Broncos were in a good position to win.

As the fourth quarter wound down, the broncos scored after a play that I would watch replays of over and over again.

John Elway ran for the end zone, but was hit by three Packer players and did a helicopter spin and landed on his back. Now that is what football should look like.    

The Broncos scored, and eventually won Super Bowl XXXII.

I was excited the good guys had won and were Super Bowl champions for the first time.

Wait, for the first time?

I was confused my dad had told me that the Broncos had made it to the Super Bowl before. Now the nice voice on the television was telling me this was their first championship.

My dad then explained to me that the Broncos had lost the other times, but now they had won, I guess I never made the connection before that making it to the Super Bowl and winning the Super Bowl were not the same thing.

I guess I should have realized that earlier, when I was a Bills fan, but I never paid attention to but I never really watched football before this night.   

Ever since then I have watched the Broncos win a second championship, watched John Elway give way to Brian Griese, then a number of quarterbacks in the mid 2000’s then Jake Plummer, Jay Cutler and now a player to be named after training camp.

Also I was able to watch the Broncos for a number of years in Greeley Colorado during training camp. Something they had over the Bills.

And now I do think that the Broncos have a better logo than the Buffalo Bills.

Source: Click Here


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